Welcome to
Heart of America Camino
Our mission is to cultivate Christian spiritual renewal through weekend opportunities for laity and clergy to share in a community of prayer, study, fellowship and spiritual direction. Camino's purpose is to encourage Christians to serve their church.
Camino is a Christian, multi-denominational expression of Cursillo,
coming together on weekends since 1979.
Heart of America Camino (HOAC) Statement of Faith:
God exists in three persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Humankind was created to have fellowship with God, but because of sin is now separated from God and in need of forgiveness.
God offers forgiveness for sin through His Son Jesus Christ. His death on the cross was the necessary sacrifice.
We are saved from eternal separation from God when we confess our sins, accept God's forgiveness, and ask Jesus to be Lord of our lives.
When we accept God's grace through Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Christ comes to live in our hearts by faith.
We are commanded in scripture to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations." We joyfully share the good news of God's Gospel to all of those God brings to our lives.
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
Adopted by Secretariat, 2001
HOAC Essential Tenets:
We recognize two Sacraments as instituted by Jesus Christ to be given to His church as a means of grace. Baptism is the bond of equity in Christ and is given as the sign and seal of incorporation into Christ. The Lords' Supper is open to all who believe and thereby belong to Christ.
Both men and women serve as Spiritual Directors for our teams in HOAC when they have met their denominational standards for ordination, and affirm HOAC's Statement of Faith.
(Revised) Adopted by Secretariat, 2010